قسم شرطة لينديل ISD
James Lucas, Chief of Police
مهمتنا: هدف قسم شرطة لينديل ISD هو دعم طلابنا وموظفينا في جميع القدرات ، مع توفير بيئة تعليمية آمنة. نحن نسترشد بثلاثة مبادئ بسيطة: _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ العقيدة والخدمة والنزاهة. - لينديل رئيس شرطة ISD ، جوي كينغ
للإبلاغ عن أي نوع من النشاط الإجرامي ، بريد إلكتروني مجهول: crimetips@lisdeagles.net
اتصل بشرطة LISD:
البريد الإلكتروني: police@lisdeagles.net
الهاتف: 903.881.4066
James Lucas,
Chief of Police
Lindale EJ Moss
Office: 903.881.4224
Cell: 903.360.7550
Officer Lucas joined LISD in 2019, after working for the TJC Police Department. Officer Lucas proudly served in the United States Marine Corps and has 12 years in Law Enforcement. He holds a Master Peace Officer Certification. His hobbies include spending time with his family, cooking and reading.
Mark Johnson
Lindale Early Childhood Center
Office: 903.881.4400
Cell: 430.260.8053.
Mark has 30+ years of experience in law enforcement with the Dallas Police Department. He holds a Master Peace Officers License. Hobbies: Avid outdoorsman, Biking, Kayaking, and spending time with family.
Lieut. DeWolfe started with LISD in 2015 after numerous years as a city/county officer.
He has a college degree in criminal justice law enforcement and has over 20 years of law enforcement experience.
DeWolfe holds a Master Peace Officer Certification.
His hobbies include hiking, white water rafting, and traveling and spending time with family.
Randy Hiller
Lindale College Street Elementary
Office: 903.881.4357
Cell: 903.539.0587
Officer Hiller joined LISD in 2022, after a long career with Smith County.
He earned a Bacherlor's Degree from Colorado Christian University and has 9 years in Law Enforcement.
He holds a Basic Peace Officer Certification.
His hobbies include bible study, fishing and kayaking.
Brad Wilson
Lindale Junior High
Office: 903.881.4030
Cell: 903-952-3191
Brad has 20+ years of experience in law enforcement with Smith County. He holds a Master Peace Officers License and has a Bachelor's in Criminal Justice. Hobbies: Outdoor activities, spending time with family
Kyle Soltero
Lindale Velma Penny Elementary
Office: 903.881.4030
Cell: 903-952-3191
Officer Soltero joined LISD in 2023 after proudly serving as a K9 handler in the United States Navy.
He has 7 years of law enforcement experience.
He holds a Basic Peace Officer Certification.
His hobbies include physical fitness, reading, and spending time with family.
نصيحة الشهر الآمنة
تذكير بالسلامة لجميع أولياء الأمور .... عند اصطحاب الطالب الخاص بك في أي من حرمنا الجامعي ، يرجى التأكد من عدم جلوس أي أطفال داخل سيارتك في نوافذ السيارة المفتوحة ، أو الوقوف في فتحة سقف ، وما إلى ذلك أيضًا ، يرجى تذكر استخدام الهاتف الخلوي. محظور في الممرات أثناء اصطحاب طفلك من أي حرم جامعي . وهذا يشمل المكالمات أو الرسائل النصية أو استخدام الإنترنت. أنت وأطفالك على رأس أولوياتنا.
شكرا لدعمكم!