The safety, security, and happiness of our students and staff is Lindale ISD's number one priority. LISD has a School Emergency Operations Plan, (a State required document), which is defined by the United States Department of Education as a four-phase plan addressing four distinct concerns:​​
A Prevention and Mitigation Plan for keeping things from happening and minimizing the negative impact of those that occur;
A Preparedness plan to make sure that we're ready for a crisis in advance;
A Response plan which allows us to implement the preparedness plan under extreme stress; and
A Recovery plan which addresses mental health recovery and business continuity.
Parent Information
Welcome Parents!
The safety and security of our district is a collaborative effort between members of our Lindale community. Working together, we can and will provide an environment for our children and staff that we can all be proud of.
The links below will provide you with some safety measures that may be taught at home. The “School Safety Toolkit” is a great resource for you to gain information regarding steps that our school district has taken to provide a safe and secure educational setting.
A Parent's Guide to School Safety Toolkit:
Raising Digitally Responsible Youth:
Cyber Safety and Digital Responsibility:
Safe Gun Storage Saves Lives:
Lindale ISD will have a full time, armed and trained police officer at every campus starting the 2022-2023 school year. LISD officers are equipped with medical supplies and specialized tools to assist in the event of an emergency.
Security cameras inside and outside schools provide live access to front office staff, police, firefighters and paramedics. LISD Police, Lindale Police Department, Smith County Constables regularly patrol campuses.
Other features of Lindale ISD schools:
Crossing guards direct vehicle and pedestrian traffic
Full-time nurses at each campus have access to medical supplies, protective gear and equipment
Automated External Defibrillator (AEDs)
Epi-Pens or epinephrine (used to treat severe allergic reactions)
Albuterol (bronchodilator that relaxes muscles in the airways and increases air flow to the lungs)
Emergency first aid kits including tourniquets and Stop the Bleed Kits
Comprehensive guidance and counseling program focusing on the whole child, including support for students’ mental, social and physical needs
District has a contract for random visits of K9 interdiction covering drugs and powder detection
Security apps such as Stopit, CopSync, Raptor, and FirstNet
Walkie Talkies at all campuses
Breaching tools at all campuses
Tasers for all Lindale ISD Police
Commercial Door Buzzer Security System

James Lucas
Lindale ISD Police Department
Office: 903.881.4224
Cell: 903.360.7550
Fax: 903.881.4222
Important Phone Numbers
Lindale ISD Administration Office - 903-881-4001
Lindale ISD Interim Police Chief - 903.881.4224
Director of Communications - 903-881-4008
Police (emergency) - 911
Police (non-emergency) - 903-882-3313
Department of Public Safety - 903-939-6014
Child Protective Services - 903-595-4841
Texas Abuse/Neglect Hotline (open 24/7) - 800-252-5400
Lindale ISD is committed to providing a positive learning environment for all students that enhances personal safety and promotes respect, dignity, and equality among students. High standards are expected for both academic achievement and for behavior
Bullying is defined as written or oral expression or physical conduct that a school district's board of trustees or the board's designee determines:
1) To have the effect of physically harming a student, damaging a student's property, or placing a student in reasonable fear of harm to the student's person or of damage to the student's property; or
2) To be sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive to create an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment for a student.
Harassment is defined as conduct that threatens to cause harm or bodily injury to another student, is sexually intimidating, causes physical damage to the property of another student, subjects another student to physical confinement or restraint or maliciously and substantially harms another student’s physical or emotional health or safety.
Bullying -
Love Is Respect: How to Help Your Child
Texas Department of Family Services 1-800-252-5400 or
National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or
National Dating Abuse Helpline 1-866-331-9474 or
STOPit - Anonymous Reporting App
Students, employees, and citizens are the eyes and ears of any organization and community. By having so many people recognizing the signs, we can create an upstander culture that looks out for one another.
Lindale ISD has enrolled in an anonymous reporting system called STOPit, an online and app-based system, to empower students, parents, teachers and others to anonymously report anything of concern to school officials - from cyber-bullying to threats of violence or self-harm.
How to Report Your Concern:
With STOPit, users can submit anonymous reports containing text, photos, or video. Administrators are then able to manage incidents in a backend management system called DOCUMENTit. DOCUMENTit provides efficient and powerful investigative tools to staff, including the ability to message with the reporter, which will allow LISD to address issues instantly. There are two ways to access STOPit to make an anonymous report.
STOPit App - Secondary students can use the STOPit App to make a report by following these steps:
Download the app from the App Store or Google Play and use the district access code provided by their campus administrators.
Click on your “STOPit” app.
Select your school.
Make your report.
Web-based Reporting - This reporting method is available for parents and elementary students. To make a web-based report, follow these steps:
Visit your student's campus website.
Click on the "STOPit" icon.
Make your report.
Please keep in mind, STOPit is not an emergency response service. If you believe your call requires immediate police, fire, or paramedic response, call 9-1-1. STOPit does not provide counseling or clinical advice. If you feel you need this type of attention, please seek the assistance of a qualified clinical or medical professional.
Visitor Management
Lindale ISD recognizes the need to balance an open and welcoming atmosphere with the need to assure stability and continuity, to safeguard against disruption of the educational process, and to ensure the security of the schools. The principal has the authority to make decisions about all visitors to schools and classes, using the following guidelines during a regular school day.
All visitors must check in at the front office and have proof of identification. A visitor’s temporary badge will be issued for that day only.
Visitors will not be permitted to access hallways, gymnasiums, cafeteria, classrooms or hallways without permission and be in the presence of a school employee.
Parents/Guardians listed on Skyward may drop off food in the office for their student. No outside food deliveries are permitted.
Guest speakers, student teachers, substitutes, or any other all day visitor accessing the school during a school day must be cleared by a background check in advance of the day they will be on campus.
Visitors must conduct themselves in a professional and school appropriate manner. Failure to act appropriately will result in the visitor being asked to leave or escorted off the premises by the School Officer.
Lindale ISD is a firearm, alcohol, and tobacco free zone. All visitors must comply with state law in this regard.
Standard Response Protocol (SRP)
A uniform, planned, and practiced response to any incident is the foundation of a safe school. The SRP is action-based, flexible, and easy to learn. It rationally organizes tactics for a response to weather events, fires, accidents, intruders, and other threats to student safety. The SRP’s development is ever-evolving, created with extensive collaboration between experts such as first responders, school districts, and families. Its tactics are data-driven, researched, and based on experience and best practices.
Lindale ISD will utilize the Standard Response Protocol (SRP) model designed by the “I Love U Guys” Foundation. The SRP comes highly recommended by the Texas School Safety Center (TSSC). TSSC has been tasked with supporting key school safety initiatives and mandates for the State of Texas and the Governor’s Homeland Security Strategic Plan.

Parents, Students, and Technology
Technology controls many facets of our lives, especially how we communicate. For example, research shows that people generate, send, and read over 15 million texts per minute. However, as much as this modern technology has made our lives easier, it comes with some very real dangers.
Below are helpful links that will help you learn about smart and responsible use of technology. The first link is a booklet and the rest are YouTube videos.

Fentanyl Response
The Fentanyl Response Communications Toolkit is designed to provide communications resources and support to school systems in their efforts to educate their school communities on the growing dangers of fentanyl.
